The fact that dry pet diets contain starches (polysugars) is being hidden from consumers by clever distractions. Rather than make fundamental changes in manufacturing and actually remove starches and sugars, slogans are used. Some claim meat as their first ingredient, others have "no-this-or-that ingredient," with the newest and perhaps most widely used catch phrase being "grain free." All such slogans are intended to convince consumers that such foods are predominantly meat and absent starch and sugar, but they aren’t.
All extruded pet foods contain carbohydrates and starches in one form or another – rice, oats, barley, corn, other grains, potato, peas, tapioca, etc. Such ingredients are used to decrease costs (starches are cheaper than meats), and, as explained, to enable the final kibble to stick together (to form a binding starch matrix). Regardless of the starch ingredient used, such starch-based pet foods are all equally foreign and unnatural to companion animals who are genetically designed for a diet high in meat and fat, and low in starches/carbohydrates.

This does not mean such diets are harmful – unless, and this is an important unless – they are fed continuously at every meal. The problem is, nearly the entire pet food industry, Wysong being an exception, advises the unhealthy practice of feeding one food meal after meal, day after day. It is all justified by the myth that processed pet foods are "complete and balanced." Such singular feeding of starch-based pet foods sets the stage for a host of chronic degenerative diseases later in life: arthritis, diabetes, obesity, dental deterioration, skin disorders, allergies and sensitivities, auto immunities, cancer, heart and other organ failure, and generalized loss of vitality.

Epigen™, along with the Wysong TNT™ processed raw Diets (Archetype™, Dream Treats™, UnCanny™, Rx Diets™), the original Wysong dry and canned diets, Wysong nutritional pet supplements, and fresh food feeding as described in the Wysong Optimal Health Program™ (see is the solution.
Don’t be fooled – "Complete and balanced," "grain free," "gluten free," "no corn," "no wheat," etc. does not mean more meat, nor does it mean less starch and sugar than conventionally extruded foods that have been on the market for sixty years.
Epigen™ is the first conventional pet product to truly break from the starch handcuffs and thus liberate your pet’s health potential.
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